If you’ve watched the news at all over the last few days, you’ll know about the horrible bush fires occurring in South Eastern, Australia. Entire towns have burned and thousands of people have lost everything. Livestock and wildlife destroyed. The devastation is unbelievable.
One looks on in horror and wishes there was something… someway to help.
On Tuesday, Tia over on Camp Follower Bags and Quilts put out the call for quilt blocks for what she called the BushFire Quilt Project. She asked for anyone who was willing to, to sew one or two (or more) Wonky Star quilt blocks and then send them to her and she would sew them into quilts that would be donated to those who have lost their homes.
I don’t think she had any idea how quickly this idea would catch on but it wasn’t long before quilters and crafters across the internet and around the world had taken up the call. Myself included.
I’ve been sewing for years but I’m not the most experienced when it comes to quilting. However, the tutorials Tia linked to looked simple enough to follow so this morning I started cutting and stitching. By 1 pm, I had completed two blocks.

Don’t those fabrics just make you want to smile. And that’s what I’m hoping they bring to whoever receives the quilt they end up in. I still need to sign them but then they’ll be ready to be mailed out.
If you’d like to find out more about this amazing project and how it has grown or maybe take part, head over to Camp Follower Bags and Quilts for the details.