If you were to ask me what kind of Halloween I like, I’d have to say I’m like the cats in this vintage Workbasket embroidery pattern. I’m a scaredy cat when it comes to Halloween!
I prefer the fun, only slightly spooky type of Halloween, the little kid kind of Halloween as opposed to the gory, scare the living daylights out of you type of Halloween. I learned long ago that horror movies or anything with guts and gore give me nightmares for weeks so I avoid them completely.
For me, the jack o’lanterns, cats and bat in today’s free embroidery pattern are just right.
These motifs would be such fun to stitch on small treat bags!
Or if you’re in a hurry, you could trace them onto the treat bags and then use black fabric paint to outline them or fill them in completely with black for the cats and bat and orange for the pumpkins. Just remember to let them dry for 24 hrs before filling them with candy.
You might also like to print them off for your little ones to color.
Vintage Workbasket Embroidery Pattern – Halloween Motifs – Jack O’Lanterns, Cats and Bat
Here are two more only slightly spooky vintage Workbasket embroidery patterns that I shared previously:
Jack-o-lanterns and Bats in Three Different Sizes
Witch on Her Broomstick and another Scaredy Cat
And in case, you’ve missed any of the Halloween children in costumes, you’ll find a complete list below:
Young Girl Modeling a Swimsuit
For those who are newly subscribed or are visiting for the first time, every Monday I host a link party in which I invite others to share their hand embroidery projects.
If you’ve never linked up to a link party before and would like to join in, I’ve written a quick tutorial on How to Link Up to a Link Party. It provides step-by-step instructions for linking to this party (or any other link party you might like to participate in.)
The rules for the Stitchery Link Party are simple:
- The project can be anything as long as it includes hand embroidery stitches in some form. Such projects might be but are not limited to redwork, blackwork, goldwork, bluework, (etc), counted cross-stitch, crazy quilting, crewel, silk ribbon, pulled thread, hardanger and sashiko.
These projects do not have to be vintage or vintage inspired. All styles are welcome as long as it’s hand embroidered.
- Link directly to your blog post, not to your blog home page.
- If you happen to sell your embroidery or embroidery patterns, feel free to link up to a blog post you’ve written about a project you’re selling, but No direct links to shops or websites selling things.
- This will be a curated link party. In other words, if a link does not conform to the three simple rules above, it will be removed.
The next three are more requests than rules. They are by no means a requirement to take part in the party:
- Please link back to the Stitchery Link Party with a text link somewhere in your post.
- As well, please share the love and visit one or two (or more) of the other links and take time to leave a comment.
- It would be wonderful if you decided to follow me but it’s not necessary in order to take part in the link party.

Celtic Thistle Stitches
October 17, 2017 12:38 amI am not a fan of gruesome and gore either Sue, lanterns and witches brew are much more my style 🙂
October 16, 2017 1:34 pmThe Halloween patterns are darling. Thank you for the link party!
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