Our middle daughter has been coming to stay on the weekends and this past weekend she had Friday off making it a three day weekend for her. On Thursday morning, she texted me to say that time had gotten away from her and she hadn’t been able to pack that morning and wouldn’t have time to go home after work,…
Are you tired of trying to fit your dirty clothes into those cheap plastic laundry bags the hotels provide? Make your own sturdy Travel Laundry Bags to take on vacation or when traveling for work. After our kids were all grown and on their own, we put all our things in storage and then for the next few years, I…
Just a quick post to show you what I’m working on today: The travel laundry bags we’ve been using for the past several years were getting to the point where they could no longer be repaired. So a few weeks ago, I picked up two heavy white cotton sheets at a local thrift store to make new laundry bags. I…