Helping you create a home by hand.

Tag: free stitchery patterns

Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Vintage Embroidery Monday & Stitchery Link Party #92

Happy Monday Everyone! We’ve only just finished the holiday season but it’s already time for those of us who craft to be thinking about what to make for Valentine’s Day. Today’s vintage Workbasket embroidery pattern for Abstract Heart Flowers would be the perfect quick stitch project! Vintage Workbasket Embroidery Pattern – Abstract Heart Flowers   ***************** WELCOME TO STITCHERY LINK…

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Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Vintage Embroidery Monday & Stitchery Link Party #91

Happy First Monday of 2017! For the first vintage Workbasket pattern of the new year, I’m sharing this lovely center medallion fruit bowl designed to be stitched as the feature embroidery on a table cloth or table topper. The whole pattern wouldn’t fit on an 8 1/2″ X 11″ sheet of printer paper so Dave has traced the fruit bowl…

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Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Snow Family and Snowmen Friends Embroidery Patterns

Happy Monday Everyone! Today here in Canada (and other Commonwealth countries) we’re celebrating Boxing Day. For some, it will be a day of hitting the after Christmas sales. But for me, it’s my day to slow down and relax after the busyness of the holiday season. I don’t have to cook because the fridge is full of leftovers. I don’t…

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Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Snow Gentleman and Snow Lady Embroidery Patterns

As this is the last Monday before Christmas, I’m gifting you not one but two vintage Workbasket patterns. This sweet snow gentleman and his lady really do belong together. Dave has resized the originals so that you have three sizes of each to stitch. Vintage Workbasket Embroidery Pattern – Snow Gentleman with Top Hat in Three Sizes downloadable PDF Vintage…

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Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Vintage Embroidery Monday & Stitchery Link Party #84

I’ve been calling today’s set of patterns the Crazy Quilter Special because when I first saw them I thought to myself they would be perfect for adding to small sections of a crazy quilt block. They could, of course, be used in many other ways as well. Last year, I made an Advent Calendar where I stitched a design on…

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Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Vintage Embroidery Monday & Stitchery Link Party #83

Every where I go I keep hearing the comment that the days are simply flying by and that the holidays will be here before we know it. To help you get ready, I’ll be sharing holiday themed vintage Workbasket embroidery patterns every Monday right up until Christmas. One of my favorite holiday traditions is picking out the Poinsettia. My favorites…

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