Helping you create a home by hand.

Christmas on a Budget, Gift Ideas

How to DIY Your Christmas – 50+ Awesome Ideas

Hello and Welcome! I’m so glad you dropped by. My goal in everything I post is to help you create a home by hand. And that includes helping you have the handmade, homemade Christmas you’ve always dreamed of. In fact, just this past August, we launched a brand new membership called Handmade Homemade Holidays: Your Guide to a Debt Free,…

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Christmas on a Budget

Announcing: The Handmade Homemade Holidays Membership

You can see the signs everywhere. Back-to-school sales, kids starting school in some areas and I’m sure you won’t be shocked when I tell you that there’s even Halloween decor in the stores already. As much as I’m enjoying the warm summer days, it won’t be long before we start feeling that nip in the air that heralds the coming…

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