The past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to complete a major Christmas project. I had purchased the flannel for the project from Hancock Fabrics a week or so ago but when I went to iron it to get it ready to use, I discovered several flaws in the fabric itself. So I had to make a trip to Hancock’s to return it and hopefully find a suitable substitute because I really wanted to have this project done by the end of this weekend.
Well not only did I find what I needed to complete my project, I also found that they were having an unadvertised fabric sale with prices ranging from $1 to $5 per yard. Any of you who love to work with fabric will understand that $1/yd for fabric is almost irresistible.
But resist I did because the above mentioned return was the third of it’s kind in three months and I had pretty much decided that I’d shop elsewhere for fabric in the future even though the next closest store that sells fabric is over 20 miles away and the next after that is over 40 miles away. I figured that this would also help in my bid to destash before our possible move because if I wanted to sew something I’d have to use what I had on hand or wait until we were making a trip to the other towns.
Then when I was on my way to check out, I came upon tables (three to be exact) stacked high with bolts of 100% cotton fabric. I decided a quick browse through couldn’t hurt… you know… just in case there might be some hidden gems in those piles of fabric.
This is the result of that little browse through:

In my defense… pictured above are almost 23 yards of fabric and 1.5 fabric panel for just under $35 plus tax (two of the fabrics were $2/yd) and I do already have plans for most of the fabrics. Plus buying fabric when it’s deeply discounted is, of course, a great budget saver. But if I’m going to get really serious about destashing before the move, I’m going to have to stay out of fabric stores!
April 7, 2011 10:15 pmOh Corina,
Your comment made me smile and made my day! Thank you. From now on, I know that shopping for fabric is the green thing to do. :o)
April 7, 2011 4:07 pmI’m pretty sure that buying fabric on sale is really a quilter’s way of going green. If you didn’t buy the fabric it might end up in the landfill, and we all know that’s not a good thing. Secondly, you are saving the environment because you won’t need to drive a hundred miles to find the perfect fabric, it will already be in your stash! I’m thinking of going green tomorrow, it’s my birthday and I’m going to my favorite quilt shop to spend the birthday bucks! I’ll spend the $ in one place, reducing the amount of gas and emissions!
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