I realized in the rush to get the doll things finished in time for our daughter to take them back to China with her when she flew out on Wednesday, I had forgotten to post pictures of the finished items.
I managed to finish 8 doll diapers:

3 doll bibs:

And 8 wipes:
Here they are all finished and ready for playtime in her classroom.
Classes don’t start for two more weeks, but she did try the diapers and bibs on one of the dolls when she got back and they fit an 18″ doll perfectly.
*Note: When I was looking for a pattern for the doll bibs, I wasn’t able to find one so I printed out a baby bib pattern. My printer wouldn’t cooperate to reduce it so I folded the pattern in half and started cutting and shaping until I thought it was about the right size. I also changed the shape to make it more rounded on the bottom as opposed to squared off.
For a pdf of the pattern I used to make the doll bibs pictured above click here.
To make a bib: Cut out two of the bib patterns from your choice of fabric. Sew right sides together, leaving an opening for turning. Clip curves. Turn right side out. Sew opening close using a blind stitch. Topstitch close to edge all the way around the bib. Sew on small pieces of double loop tape on either side of the neck tabs.
Sandra :)
August 20, 2012 12:52 pmOH how I wish I’d had those kind of goodies when I was little – I loved my dollies, and dressing them up! The kids in K’s class will love playing with their sweet new dipes ‘n wipes ‘n bibs!!
Charlotte Matthews
August 20, 2012 12:16 pmAdorable. I actually make baby washcloths for new babies. I make mine between 6 inches and 9 inches square. I also make the smaller ones for the babies so they have their own cloth that is just right for their little hands. And later they can be used for their dolls.
August 20, 2012 10:10 amoh so cute!
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