Ohhhhh… I had such fun yesterday meeting my Santa Sack Swap partner Debbie!
We met at Cora’s for a late brunch and didn’t leave until after 1 pm. We just found so much to talk about.
Debbie is such a sweet person. I even got to meet her lovely daughter, V who had come along to keep her mother company on the drive here.
V also manned the camera so that we could share photos here on my blog and for Debbie to share on facebook.
Here we are each holding the gifts we made for each other.

Exchanging gifts:
That called for a hug!
Debbie is Queen of her local Red Hat Chapter and after she e-mailed me yesterday’s photos, I texted her back and said that with her in purple and me wearing red, we did look like a couple of Red Hatters! So I couldn’t resist having some fun editing this photo to give me a red hat with purple daisies and Debbie a tiara befitting her exacted station. 🙂
Thanks goes out to the lovely Cheryll, who organizes this swap each year and from half a world away paired up two Canadian women and made this meeting possible. I have made a wonderful new friend!
Now for some Christmas goodness of another kind… today is Day 3 of the Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange Blog Hop. There have been some yummy looking recipes shared over the past two days. If you haven’t checked those out, please do.
You won’t be disappointed!
And don’t forget to visit the blogs who will be sharing their recipes today:
December 3
Beth at One Old Goat and Her Little Farm
December 6, 2015 8:01 pmi just love this post,its what blogging is all about xx
December 6, 2015 12:21 amIt was seww much fun to meet my new friend…..emailing is fun but face to face is exciting……hugs and stitches
December 5, 2015 5:30 pmWhat fun to exchange in person! I would have loved seeing into the bags, too. 😉 It’s nice to see what you look like.
Celtic Thistle Stitches
December 5, 2015 4:26 amHow lovely to actually meet a ‘virtual’ friend and it looks like you had both been very busy filling those Santa sacks 🙂
Mary Anne
December 4, 2015 8:16 pmIt’s so much fun to meet a fellow blogger – I’ve met two or three that read my blog and it was exciting. Must admit to avid curiosity to know what was in those interesting Santa Sacks!! (btw = I’m enjoying peeking at all the cookie recipes but I’m trying very hard to resist making any!)
Mama Bear
December 4, 2015 2:05 pmAlways fun to make new friends.
Mama Bear
December 3, 2015 1:27 pmClearly, a wonderful time was had by all!
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