I woke up to this text message from our oldest daughter who is teaching in Shanghai: Xin nian kuai le! Gong xi fa cai! Happy Chinese New Year! So I’m passing those wishes on to all of you. Let’s hope that The Year of the Wooden Goat is as prosperous for us all as it is predicted to be! …
I had hoped to finish my two Paper Pinwheel quilts this week but I’ve spent the past two days unpicking a block of fmqing on the lap quilt that I was less than pleased with. I had no idea it would take me this long to unpick all those stitches and I’m still not finished. That’s today’s goal… finish unpicking…
With the 14th fast approaching, I decided to spend some evening TV watching time making a couple of Valentine’s Pips. They turned out so cute that yesterday with the sun shining in and providing great lighting, I held a little photo shoot and experimented with different ways to show them off. I’ve been looking for an excuse to add that…
Do you remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books we used to read when we were kids? Well that was kind of how the making of this purse went. Each step of the way, I was asking myself, “What next?” or “Now what do I do with it?” It all started last week when I won a giveaway that Julie…
It’s such a cold and gloomy day today after the bright sunshine we had yesterday that I’m tempted to choose another bright, colorful UFO/WIP for A Year of Lovely Finishes goal like I did last month when I completed my Flying Zebra Quilt. But I’ve already started the quilting on my Paper Pinwheel baby quilt so I’ve decided that it…
I have had so much fun working on this quilt! And as my January project for A Year of Lovely Finishes, it is done well before the end of the month. It is also my second finish for my 2015 Finish Along Q1 Goals. Back in 2011, I made two donation quilts from this line flying zebra fabric which I…
As I was taking stock of all my UFOs and fabric, I was also deciding which projects to include for my 2015 Finish Along Quarter 1 Goals. I am of course including my Flying Zebra Quilt as it needs to be finished by the end of January for this month’s AYofLFs project. This is where it was as of Saturday. …
Last night was the first Friday Night with Friends of 2015. In the first Friday of every month a bunch of ladies from across the globe sit and sew knowing that they have virtual company. As I mentioned in this post, my AYoLF (A Lovely Year of Finishes) goal for January is to finish the Flying Zebra child’s quilt, so…
For part of my growing up years, my family lived in the back and upstairs of an old style country store that my mother managed. At the end of every year there would be stocktaking that I would have to help with… counting canned goods, weighing nails and bolts, etc. Everything had to be counted. As I look forward into…
As I mentioned in my post yesterday each participant in the Santa Sack Swap, hosted by Cheryll over at Gone Stitch’, was allowed to choose whether their swap partner made them a sack, a stocking or a tote. In our e-mails back and forth, my swap partner Terry mentioned that she would like a tote this year. And since she…