Helping you create a home by hand.


Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Vintage Embroidery Monday & Stitchery Link Party #103

Happy Monday and welcome to another Vintage Embroidery Monday and Stitchery Link Party! I want to start off today by sending out a big thank you to all those you left comments to enter my 9th Anniversary Giveaway. I have loved reading each and every one of them. I have been so touched! If you don’t know what I’m talking…

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Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Vintage Embroidery Monday & Stitchery Link Party #102

Happy First Day of Spring! (if you’re in the Northern Hemispere) Happy First Day of Fall! (if you’re in the Southern Hemispere) I do love the changing of the seasons. For me especially this year, spring is bringing with it a new sense of hope as the drabness of winter changes with the greening of trees and the soon to…

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Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Vintage Embroidery Monday & Stitchery Link Party #101

Happy Monday! Before we get to today’s vintage Workbasket embroidery pattern, make sure to scroll down to find out how to enter the giveaway I’m hosting to celebrate reaching the 100th Stitchery Link Party last week. The giveaway runs until April 3rd, so you’ll have lots of chances to enter. Last week, I shared with you a pretty vintage tea…

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Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Vintage Embroidery Monday & Stitchery Link Party #99

Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Last week was a glorious week weather-wise, making it feel like spring. Friday, I was even able to go for my walk without wearing a jacket. We’re back to cooler temperatures now but it won’t be long before things will be green again and the plants will be poking their heads…

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Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Vintage Embroidery Monday & Stitchery Link Party #97

With so many people in Canada and the US either digging out from a snowstorm, in the middle of one or preparing for one to arrive, I thought I’d share something to remind everyone to hang in there, spring is only a few weeks away! This adorable little donkey is bringing you a basket of spring flowers to brighten your…

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Embroidery, Stitchery Link Party

Five Small Vintage Heart Embroidery Patterns

For today’s vintage Workbasket pattern, Dave and I searched through our files to find more hearts for you to stitch up for Valentine’s Day or any upcoming weddings and anniversaries you may be celebrating. Some of these may have been featured here in the past as pattern sheets with a mix of other small motifs but Dave transferred five of…

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