Helping you create a home by hand.

Budget Savers

Budget Savers, Christmas on a Budget

Introduction to the Christmas on a Budget Series

I know, I know, it’s March and Christmas seems so far away.  But if you’re planning on making gifts and Christmas decorations, etc the sooner you start… the more organized and relaxed your holiday season will be.  Starting now and going forward, each month on the 25th I’m going to be posting budget saving holiday ideas. Budget Saving Idea #1…

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Budget Savers

Gardening Success – Our First Strawberries

Last year for Mother’s Day, Dave and our son gave me four strawberry plants which I transplanted into one of our square foot gardens in the backyard.  Now according to Mel Bartholomew’s book, All New Square Foot Gardening, you shouldn’t allow the shoots to take root because they sap the energy from the mother plant.  So throughout the spring, summer…

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