It may seem a little late to be posting about a calendar for 2023 since we’re already almost 3 months into 2023. But getting this together for you took me longer than I expected.
I started to work on the watercolors for each month in August of 2022. As mentioned in the post called Pattern Sale with a Purpose, I suffered a stroke on the first of January of 2022. The stroke left me paralyzed on my left side. I was unable to walk or use my left hand and arm. It also affected my left peripheral vision, meaning I can see except for anything to the left unless I move my eyes or in some cases turn my head to the left. Stroke recovery can be a slow process of daily intense rehabilitation and I spent the next several months slowly recovering. By the time I left the hospital in April, I was able to walk short distances with the aid of a hemi walker. I’m now able to walk for a bit longer distances with the aid of a quad cane. Still need a wheel chair for shopping and longer distances. But as much as I wanted to get back to sewing and embroidery not having the use of my left hand and arm plus the vision loss made that impossible. But I’ve been making things for as long as I can remember and as the months passed, I found that I really missed that creative outlet. One of my physical therapy assistants suggested that I start drawing again. So I did. About the same time I discovered a you tube watercolor artist called Diane Antone. She inspired me to start to paint again. As well, the last gift my daughter Miriam gave me before she passed away were some professional watercolor art supplies which had sat untouched since I opened them. Somehow, I just couldn’t bring myself to use them after her death. But then one day I realized that wasn’t honoring her gifts to me. So gradually I began painting. Then in August 2022, I got the idea of creating a calendar. The 12 paintings pictured below are the result. With hubby’s help we got them all scanned. And then our son used his design talents to turn them into a digital calendar that can be downloaded and printed off in the same way my patterns can be printed. You’ll need to set your printer to print on both sides of the paper. Cardstock, the kind you can get at any craft store like Michael’s works best. As I mentioned in the video, we took the printed out calendar pages to a local print shop to have it spiral-bound. Small holes were punched to make it easy to hang up.
If you decide to purchase a copy of this first ever Super Mom – No Cape! digital watercolor calendar, at check out please use the code WATERCOLORCALENDAR-2023 to receive a 15% discount.
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I would love it if you’d share it on your other social media as well. Thank you!
March 31, 2023 1:24 amIt was great to hear from you !
I think it is amazing that you are continuing to keep yourself busy during your recovery. You have inspired me to give water color a try. Best wishes to you and God bless!
March 29, 2023 3:01 pmSue, so glad to see that you are making great progress. Love the calendar and am going to purchase it. Keep up the good work!
March 29, 2023 1:45 pmSue!!! You look wonderful!!! You also have a real talent for watercolor.
About 10 years ago, my brother-in-law had a severe stroke. He was home alone for about 9-10 hours. They told him he would be wheelchair bound for life and never get his left hand and arm back. He was 53 yrs.old at the time. With LOTS of PT and determination he did it!!!! He walks without a wheelchair, a walker and a cane!!! He has good use of his left hand also. So don’t give up keep going forward and push yourself in PT!!!! He just walks a bit slower…but he walks!!!!
Keep up with your watercolors also….it always help to have a passion to look forward too!!! AND PRAYER is the BEST!!!!
March 29, 2023 1:53 pmOh!!!! I forgot to add….would you happen to have a pattern for making crochet “cross” bookmarkers?
I noticed you have the angels crochet ornaments …..but I have been looking for a cross bookmark.
would love to buy from you!!!!
Rosemary Foley
March 29, 2023 1:34 pmAloha !! it is so nice to see you and hear you are coming along .. I like the calendar and will purchase it … Thanks for thinking of us while recovering … I’m sending much love and hope you have a wonderful day .. xoxo
March 29, 2023 11:58 amGood to see you fighting back the best way you know how!
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