Well actually, I tried two new things.
Last week, when we were getting ready to head back to Canada, I decided to get a few embroideries ready so that I’d have some take-along projects to work on during the long road trip and also during my days in the hotel room while Dave was at work. (He started a one-week contract on Monday.)
In the past, I’ve always used white muslin or pieces of white thrifted sheets (well washed) as the base for my embroidery projects. But this time, I decided to use various pieces of the Kona Snow that I had leftover from other projects I’d worked on over the winter.
I really like the way Kona Cotton feels but I do have one pet peeve about it. It has the tendency to fray. And sure enough, once the tracing was done, I noticed that the edges had already started to fray.
Now since finished embroideries have to be squared up anyway, I don’t usually worry about a little bit of fraying. But as this was Kona Cotton, I decided to try something else new.
I set up my serger (one of the things we had managed to get out of storage in Georgia to have in Florida with us) and I serged around the edge of each piece.
Dave and I shared the driving on our trip but as he likes to do the majority of the driving, I had lots of time to embroider and I managed to finish this one:

Here’s a close-up:
The Kona Cotton was lovely to embroider on and I’m so glad I have more ready to be stitched. It is definitely my new favourite fabric for embroidery projects.
And as you can see, serging the edges prevented any further fraying.
The Seeds of Friendship design came from this pattern I purchased last June when we stopped at The Quilt Box.
As I’m once again without a sewing machine, the embroidery will have to wait to be turned into a pillow.
May 6, 2013 2:26 pmI often kick myself for not zigzagging round a piece of fabric that then frays! I love the thought of you taking pictures on the hotel lawn, if the guests couldn’t see the stitchery, they’d think you were taking pictures of grass! I do envy your ability to stitch in the car. I get so car sick car journeys to me are an endless round of trying not to be sick!
May 5, 2013 6:53 pmThat’s a great idea. The embroidery looks wonderful too. Doesn’t everyone take pictures on hotel lawns????? LOL
Celtic Thistle
May 3, 2013 1:17 pmLove the embroidery. Haven’t tried embroidering on Kona cotton but will definitely give it a go now!
May 3, 2013 12:32 pmwonderful quote that worked up so nicely. i have a road trip coming up and this reminds me i have no handwork ready for it. yikes! better get busy.
May 3, 2013 12:14 pmVery nice! There is a resurgence in hand embroidery and it’s nice to see a completed project. Enjoy your pillow and memories of your trip!
HorseMark HandMade Cards
May 3, 2013 10:13 amI love your embroidered creations! Wish I was better at it; will stick to creating cards, quilts, and the occasional cross-stitch project.
Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!
May 3, 2013 9:11 amWhat a lovely stitchery. I sometimes do the same with the edges if I am using a fraying fabric and it certainly helps.
Felicia Few
May 3, 2013 9:48 amI love the quote and the stitiching. It is a great way to work on the go.
May 3, 2013 6:08 amI love your project! I have a question for you…do you usually back your fabric with something (example: muslin) before you begin stitching?
May 3, 2013 7:50 amIt’s a lovely stitchery with a lovely quote.
Super Mom No Cape
May 3, 2013 2:30 pmThank you, Susan.
To answer your question. I don’t back my fabric with anything. I have read recently of people doing that. Depending on the project, I do sometimes iron a fusible interfacing or fusible fleece to the back of the fabric after the embroidery is finished and I’m turning it into something like a gift bag or other object.
To be honest, I taught myself to embroidery when I was in my early teens (back in the 70s) and I just took it up again a few years ago so there are probably things I don’t do the “proper” way when it comes to embroidery.
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