Pansies are one of my favorite flowers. They are among the first available to buy in spring and the last to survive the frosts of fall. When we were at the grocery store a couple of days ago, they had lots and lots of pansies in containers.
So today, I’m sharing a vintage Workbasket pattern for pansies.
This pattern is available as a pdf here.
I love Spring and the new, fresh things it brings.
I’ve had such fun and discovered so many blogs through link parties and for a while now, I’ve been thinking about adding a link party to Super Mom – No Cape. The thought then occurred… what could I do that would be different from all the other great link parties already out there.
Quilting… there are lots of those. Sewing… lots of those too. General craft link ups; more of those than I care to count. But after doing some research, I discovered that there don’t seem to be any link parties specifically for embroidery in its many forms and variations.
So I’m going to give this a try and see if anyone is interested in linking up each Monday on my Vintage Embroidery Monday post.
The rules are simple:
1. The project can be anything you’ve made as long as it includes embroidery stitches in some form. Such projects might be but are not limited to redwork, blackwork, goldwork, bluework, (etc), counted cross-stitch, crazy quilting, crewel, silk ribbon, pulled thread, hardanger and sashiko.
2. Link directly to your blog post, not to your blog home page.
3. If you happen to sell your embroidery or embroidery patterns, feel free to link up to a blog post you’ve written about a project you’re selling, but No direct links to shops or websites selling things.
4. This will be a curated link party. In other words, if a link does not conform to the three simple rules above, it will be removed.
The next three are more requests than rules. They are by no means a requirement to take part in the party:
5. Please link back to the Stitchery Link Party with a text link somewhere in your post.
6. As well, please share the love and visit one or two (or more) of the other links and take time to leave a comment.
7. I would, of course, love it if you decide to follow me but it’s not necessary in order to take part in the link party. (If you do decide to follow me, you can subscribe to e-mail updates in the box on the upper right hand side bar. Buttons to follow me on other social media are in the upper left hand side bar.)

April 16, 2015 6:04 amThis sounds like a lovely idea for a Linky Party. There are 2 kind of things that I’d like to link up but I’m not sure they fit in! One – machine embroidery, is that allowed? Obviously it’s embroidery but doesn’t fit with the vintage! And two – I love collecting old vintage embroidered linens in thrift shops, and I’m enjoying coming up with different ways to repurpose them at the moment. So that one has the vintage embroidery part covered but it’s not my embroidery! Don’t worry if you feel neither fit with what you’re trying to get going here, I’ll still enjoy seeing what everyone else has to offer!
Super Mom No Cape
April 16, 2015 6:44 amHello Sally,
I replied in e-mail but I’ll reply here too, in case others have the same question. I would like to keep this link up to hand embroidery and it’s many variations.
The hand embroidered items don’t have to be vintage. But I do think that your repurposed vintage embroidered linens would fit in. I hadn’t really thought along those lines. But I imagine quite a few of us who love embroidery have such items and they might like to see creative ways to use them. So you’re most welcome to link up any posts along that line.
I look forward to visiting your blog.
Sue (aka Super Mom – No Cape!)
Patti Gagliardi
April 15, 2015 6:46 pmWhat fun! So glad to join in the party!
April 15, 2015 4:47 pmI just started to embroider about 7 years ago. I find it very relaxing and therapeutic. I don’t blog so won’t be able to share my projects, but I will certainly enjoy visiting all the blogs of the ladies participating. Great idea!
April 15, 2015 10:26 amI think you have a great idea! It will be fun to check out everyone’s link and see what is being created. Lovely!
April 15, 2015 8:02 amthanks for stopping by my blog and mentioning your link – I linked to today’s post but there is a photo on the previous post as well
April 13, 2015 5:25 pmLove the pansies! They are gorgeous. Thank you so much for offering the link party. It is fun to see what everyone has made. 🙂
April 13, 2015 5:42 pmThank you for the invite….and also for the pansies. I love handwork, and also love to be inspired by others. Thank you for this opportunity to share in our passion for needle and thread.
Christine B.
April 13, 2015 4:31 pmHello, I have just discovered your blog through another blog that I follow and love your idea of an embroidery link up party. I have added a blog post that I wrote earlier today to your links…. I hope my block is suitable. Looking forward to visiting again and to sharing more embroidery!
Mdm Samm
April 13, 2015 5:11 pmReally appreciate the invite, thank you…will let others you have a button?
hand stitching is lovely…someone gave me your plum pudding on a bag a couple of years ago…I am sure it is yours…it is it
April 13, 2015 11:26 amI love your pictures of pansies. Knoxville has flower drives through certain neighborhoods every spring. I took one yesterday and so many yards there had pansies blooming under their tulips – it was beautiful! Thanks, too, for the pansy pattern. That can be used so many places! The linky is a good idea. I’ll try to remember to come each week. I can’t comment on all the blogs that have blogger with an embedded box, but I’ll comment where I can.
April 13, 2015 9:49 amI think an embroidery linky is a great idea with all of the beautiful designs you share.
Sandy R.
April 13, 2015 10:37 amThis will be a fun linky. I have embroidered since I was a little girl and have taken it up again in the last couple of years. I subscribed to a Craftsy class with Sue Spargo and I am trying to learn some new stitches!!..just recently started doing some wool embroidery, it’s fun. Thanks for doing this, I will be back with more projects..I have been a long time follower of your blog, thanks for all the free Monday patterns..
Celtic Thistle Stitches
April 13, 2015 9:59 amGreat idea, I haven’t completed an embroidery project for a few weeks but have linked up the most recent one.
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